Anakaa Films

Searching for the

Marks of the Asho’ojushi

"A story of prophecy, redemption, and the ink that unites the past, present, and future."

About the documentary.

During the research for the documentary Buscando las marcas del Asho’ojushi (Searching for the Marks of the Asho’ojushi), the prophecy of the elder José Epieyu comes to life, becoming the central axis of Marbel and David's journey. Their trip will lead them to explore the ancestral beliefs and stories about the traditional Wayuu tattoo, an almost extinct art that holds deep spiritual and cultural significance

Technical details


- David Hernández Palmar

- Marbel Vanegas Jusayu


The narration of this documentary progresses in a spiral, starting with the connection to the land, the encounter with the guardians of knowledge, and the revelation of the prophecy, to culminate in the reaffirmation of the importance of reclaiming the traditional tattoo for the Wayuu people. José not only predicted the visit of two young Wayuu in search of answers about the tattoo, but also the creation of this documentary, claiming that his ancestors had already dreamed it and that its realization was written in destiny.

In their search, David visits the Library of Congress in the U.S. to research visual records about the Wayuu tattoo and shares his findings with Marbel. Together, they consult an Outtsu (traditional healer), who reminds them that tattooing and smoking tobacco are not negative practices, but an essential part of their culture. While gathering materials to carry out a tattoo with cactus spine and charcoal, both face their own fears: for Marbel, the challenge of becoming a traditional tattoo artist and honoring the legacy of her maternal lineage; for David, the symbolic step of receiving his first tattoo from Marbel, marking a point of no return in his connection with his Wayuu identity and spirituality.


The narration of this documentary progresses in a spiral, starting with the connection to the land, the encounter with the guardians of knowledge, and the revelation of the prophecy, to culminate in the reaffirmation of the importance of reclaiming the traditional tattoo for the Wayuu people. José not only predicted the visit of two young Wayuu in search of answers about the tattoo, but also the creation of this documentary, claiming that his ancestors had already dreamed it and that its realization was written in destiny.


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